A Knitter in Transition

My adventures - in knitting, marriage, and moving across hemispheres.

Thursday, November 16, 2006

Round 1

Alright, the first round has gone to The Project. I was very sad, but that's the fact of it.

Turns out, most on-line yarn stores keep a handfull of the most commonly purchased colors of Louet Sales Gems yarns, but order the rest straight from Louet when the customer asks. Also turns out, I happened upon one of the most helpful, customer-oriented online yarn stores around!

The next time you need Louet products, please please please visit Wendy at Lanas de Libelula. The site's homespun, the yarn's handpainted, the product commentary is funny. She has been really helpful, even offering to contact another LYS in her area to see if she could get me their yarn at her price!

Now that I'm looking at an extra week until I get my yarn, I'm considering moving my deadline to New Year's... I can reneg this early in the game, right? Here's why:
Say the yarn arrives exactly 3 weeks from today, that's December 8th. That gives me 17 days to swatch, knit, block, seam and finish an entire cardigan that's knit on size 1 and 3 needles. Even in my excitement am I not that high. Perhaps if I were willing to forgo sleep for those 17 days...no, not even then.

So, the yarn got a good punch in. The Knitter shakes it off and regroups.


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